
Top quality fig fruits are collected from the branches and dried in the natural environment of the sun without any intervention, then the dried fruits are separated according to their size, full or partial cleaning.

Figs, for centuries has been considered a symbol of fertility and abundance, it has an intense aromatic taste, suitable for everyone’s taste.

It is nutritious with dried figs content.

Modern facilities, technological equipment, all production processes and world standards are carefully met.

All production stages are audited by audit firms.

The transported figs are separated according to their size by being taken to hygienic environment. The quality ones are extracted, the foreign materials are cleaned, the dust is cleaned on the top. It is dried on a flat surface in natural clear sunny weather and stored in cool place. Packaged and presented to you.

Grown, harvested and dried in Estahban, South of Iran, our delicate and lightly sweet dried white Figs make a tasty addition to your healthy lifestyle.

These plump and soft fruits are high in dietary fibre, are a good source of antioxidants and are naturally fat-free and GMO-free, making them a nice alternative to sugared treats. They’re also a source of copper, manganese and fibre – nutrients that are beneficial in blood health, tissue and cartilage health and heart health, you can use it top up the salads, to have a snack, to use in muesli for your diet, to make dessert. Our country is the world leader with production and export of dried figs.